QA Workplace - Brief Description

Equipment overview


Monitored parameters

Failures foreseen

What to do in case of problem?
 - Automatic stop of measurement
 - Controlled shutdown (ramp down all voltages on modules, files closing)
 - Call the operator (mail, SMS, modem call to phone)

DCS Software
 - Platform: Windows 2000
 - Development environment: National Instruments Labwindows/CVI
 - Reading information:
    - from National Instruments ù AD card 
    - from other sensors via RS232
 - TCP/IP protocol is used for communication with DAQ PC
 - Semaphores indicating DAQ or DCS status
 - DAQ data backup (on DCS computer)
 - Logbook - fully automatic, save all parameters and changes in settings

Additional equipment:
 - Laser (synchronized with R/O)
 - XY stage (newly arrived)
 - Beta source testing

What is done!
 - Electrical tests
 - Pseudo optical tests (AERO)
 - Database upload
 - Environment monitoring (DCS)
 - Climate chamber for six modules
 - Cooling system for six modules
 - Personal qualification is ready for 6 experts (Zdenka Broklova, Jan Broz, Zdenek Dolezal, Peter Kodys, Petr Kubik, Pavel Reznicek), 3 support persons

Special tests
 - Laser tests
 - Beta source tests

Example of noise occupancy ( ,





Last change: August 31, 2004